The Foots Connected Too...

Knee Positions
Ask your patient to march in place, then have them bring their feet together until either their knees touch or their malleoli touch.

The knee angle is straight if the malleoli are touching together and there is a two finger space (or less) between the knees. Or if the knees are touching, there should be a finger space (or less) between the malleoli.

Calcaneal Stance Position
Rectus is not vertical. It is within 2° of vertical, either inverted or everted.

Does the calcaneus move from inverted to rectus, or rectus to everted? Does it move from everted to more everted in the half squat? If it does not change more than 2° in any direction, mark the starting position and ending position as the same.


Knee Positions

Calcaneal Stance Position